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Photo Gallery: Parenchymal Rearrangement


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction

Case: 3563

61 year old woman who had left sided parenchymal rearrangement after lumpectomy, and second stage right breast reduction for symmetry. She is 9 months from Stage I and 3 months from Stage II in the photos.


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction

Case: 2168

This 66 year old had right breast cancer treated with lumpectomy, and subsequent right sided parenchymal rearrangement to optimize her shape. Several months later, as we were planning her left sided symmetry procedure, she was diagnosed with a left sided cancer…and she had lumpectomy and rearrangement on the left as well.


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction

Case: 1988

52 year old woman who had right lumpectomy for breast cancer, followed by right lumpectomy reconstruction with pedicled serratus perforator flap and left breast fat grafting for symmetry. Photos are 9 months after right side and 1 month after left sided surgery.


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction

Case: 1837

66 year old woman who had right parenchymal rearrangement after lumpectomy for breast cancer and left reduction for symmetry. Photos at nine months (right) and three months (left).


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction

Case: 1767

55 year old woman who had left lumpectomy and parenchymal rearrangement, followed by right reduction for symmetry.  Photos at 1.5 years from left side rearrangement and 4.5 months from right side reduction.


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction

Case: 1752

62 year old woman diagnosed with right breast cancer.  She had right lumpectomy followed by parenchymal rearrangement and radiation therapy, followed by a left breast reduction for symmetry.  Photos are 10 months from right side rearrangement and 3.5 months from left side reduction.


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction

Case: 1142

83 year old woman with left breast cancer. Left parenchymal rearrangement after lumpectomy and right reduction for symmetry. Photos at six months.


Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction

Case: 674

Patient: 49 year old with left breast cancer


Surgery: Left breast lumpectomy and parenchymal rearrangement; right breast reduction for symmetry


Photos: 15 months (after radiation therapy)


Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reconstruction

Case: 675

Patient: 61 year old with left breast cancer, history of breast implants


Surgery: Stage I lumpectomy, left breast implant removal, parenchymal rearrangement. Stage II right breast implant removal, mastopexy for symmetry


Photos: 15 months, after radiation therapy

Image by Greg Rosenke
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