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Patient Safety

Dr. Pannucci discusses blood clots in breast reconstruction patients with Terri Coutee, Founder of DIEP-C Foundation. DIEP-C is a national platform for breast reconstruction education, founded by a breast cancer survivor and breast reconstruction patient.


Blood clots in the legs and lungs (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolus) occur in ~1:150 breast cancer patients (rate of 0.8%).  Although unlikely, they can be life or limb threatening, underscoring the importance of pre-emptive risk identification and modification, and risk reduction maneuvers.

Previous Uploads
A 20 second primer on nipple reconstruction by Dr. Pannucci
This patient has an outstanding result after DIEP breast reconstruction, but had concerns with persistent upper/outer quadrant hollowing.

Dr. Pannucci used a LICAP (lateral intercostal artery perforator) flap to improve the reconstructed breast’s contour, moving excess tissue from the axilla based on blood supply through the serratus anterior chest wall muscle. She has a great improvement in upper/outer reconstructed breast contour at eight weeks from her last surgery.

Dr Pannucci discusses the importance of visceral fat and pre-emptive weight optimization in DIEP breast reconstruction.
Dr. Pannucci was asked to speak at the 2022 ASPS Spring Meeting on risk for deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs) and pulmonary embolus (blood clots in the lungs) after abdominoplasty surgery.

While the risk is generally low (1 in 500, or 0.2% in the general abdominoplasty population), the complication can be devastating.  Patients benefit from an individualized approach to blood clot risk stratification and prevention.

Dr. Pannucci is an internationally recognized expert on blood clots in plastic surgery patients…over 15+ years of research, he has authored over 105 peer-reviewed journal articles, over 150 invited lectures at national and international meetings, and been principal investigator on 13 clinical trials.

Nipple Reconstruction: A 20 Second Summary by Dr. Pannucci
Safe Surgery After COVID: Dr. Pannucci was asked to speak at the 2022 Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons meeting on when COVID positive patients can safely have elective surgery.  This talk is based on best available data in February 2022, and applies to elective surgery patients only
Dr Pannucci & KHQ news discuss breast cancer screening
Pink Ribbon (Virtual) Run 2021: Dr. Pannucci
Ensuring venous outflow in microsurgery: Dr. Pannucci discusses

Details matter in microsurgery!


Sub-millimeter details can make the difference between success and failure in microsurgery. In the operating room, I take multiple steps to ensure that the vein repair is lined up correctly, to avoid twists or kinks.

Breast Reconstruction Overview with Dr. Pannucci
Breast Reduction: An Overview by Dr. Pannucci
15 Questions with Dr Pannucci
Why Are Tissue Expanders Necessary?
What is a DIEP flap? Dr. Pannucci discusses
​Plastic Surgery & Blood Clots
KHQ Morning Show Interview: Dr. Pannucci discusses blood clots in surgical patients
Theory Behind Radiation & Reconstruction
Parenchymal Rearrangement Before Radiation
Fat grafting After Radiation
Latissimus Reconstruction after Radiation
DIEP Flap Reconstruction after Radiation
Barbers and Surgeons
DIEP Monitoring—Dr. Fletcher discusses
Breast Implants and Mammograms—Dr. Pannucci discusses
Bullets and Breast Implants—Dr. Pannucci discusses
​Landmark patient safety study published 10 years ago: Dr. Pannucci discusses
What does Board Certified mean? Dr. Wheeler discusses.
Upper Pole Fullness in Breast Reconstruction & Aesthetics
Why Use Drain Tubes?
Image by Greg Rosenke
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